Decoding Service Learning
Petit, Jennifer, Victoria Calvert, Yasmin Dean, Judy Gleeson, Roberta Lexier, Melanie Rathburn, Margot Underwood. (In press) “Building Bridges from the Decoding Interview to Teaching Practice.” In Using the Decoding the Disciplines Framework for Learning Across Disciplines, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Jennifer Boman. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.75-85.
Miller-Young, Janice, Yasmin Dean, Melanie Rathburn, Jennifer Pettit, Margot Underwood, Judy Gleeson, Roberta Lexier, Victoria Calvert, and Patti Clayton (2015) “Decoding Ourselves: An Inquiry into Faculty Learning About Reciprocity in Service-Learning.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (Fall 2015), 32-47.