Decoding Indigenous Studies

Easton, Lee and Roberta Lexier, Re-Thinking Decoding the Disciplines in the Face of Indigenization” in Hondzel, Catharine Dishke, et al. “Rethinking Research Collaboration: Transformative Experiences of Faculty and Students Engaged in Undergraduate Research Learning (2017)

Easton, Lee, and Roberta Lexier, Gabriella Lindstrom, & Michelle Yeo. (2019). The Decoding Interview as a Decolonizing Practice. L. Quinn, (ed.) Reimagining Curriculum: Spaces for Disruption. African Sun Media.

Yeo, Michelle Gabrielle Lindstrom, Roberta Lexier, and Lee Easton (2019), “Decolonizing the Curriculum through Disruption: From Decoding Tacit Knowledge to Disrupting Disciplines,”