Decoding History

Resources for Decoding History


Articles, Papers, and Dissertation

Belanger, Elizabeth. “Using US Tuning to effect: The American historical association’s Tuning project and the first year research paper.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 16.4 (2017): 385-402.

Brink Pinto, Andrés & Larsson Heidenblad, David. “Vad vill vi att studenterna ska kunna göra? Avtäckningsmodellen i praktiken” I Levande lärmiljöer: Proceedings från Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteternas pedagogiska inspirationskonferens 2018 redigerad av Markussen, Hege Irene & Mårtensson, Katarina (red.), 25-37. Lund: Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna, Lunds universitet, 2020. doi: 10.37852/oblu.67.125.

Brink Pinto, Andrés, David Larsson Heidenblad, and Emma Severinsson, “From Knowing the Canon to Developing Skills Engaging with the Decoding the Disciplines Approach,” Interdisciplinary pedagogy in higher education Proceedings from Lund University’s Teaching and Learning Conference 2019, pp.73-84.

Burkholder, Peter. “Teaching Historical Literacy within a SOTL Framework.” Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 44.2 (2019): 44-50.
Cox, William R. “The Impact of Scaffolding on the Historical Thinking Skills of Middle School Students.” (2018).

Díaz, Arlene, and Leah Shopkow. 2014. “A Tale of Two Thresholds.” Paper presented at the Fifth Biennial International Threshold Concepts Conference, Durham University, UK, 10 July 2014.

Díaz, Arlene, Joan Middendorf, David Pace, and Leah Shopkow, “The History Learning Project: A Department “Decodes” Its Students,” Journal of American History, Vol. 94, No. 4 (March 2008), pp.1211-1224.

Clark, Jennifer. “What use is SoTL?: Using the scholarship of teaching and learning to develop a curriculum for first year university history classes.” Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 6.2 (2009): 3.

Clarsen, Georgine W. “Challenges of the large survey subject: teaching and learning how to read history.” (2009): 81.

Craig, Kalani. “Analog tools in digital history classrooms: An activity-theory case study of learning opportunities in digital humanities.” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 11.1 (2017): n1.

Glenn, David. (Nov.15, 2009) “A Teaching Experiment Shows Students How to Grasp Big Concepts,” The Chronicle for Higher Education

Grim, Valerie, David Pace, and Leah Shopkow, “Learning to Use Evidence in the Study of History” in David Pace and Joan Middnedorf, Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004) pp.57-65.

Heiland, Donna, and Laura J. Rosenthal. “More than limited learning: The case for focusing on the disciplines.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 12.1 (2013): 7-19.

Higgs, Bettie and James Cronin, “Threshold Concepts: Informing the Curriculum,” in Ciara O’Farrell and Alison Farrell, eds., Emerging Issues in Higher Education III: From Capacity Building to Sustainability. Athlone: 2013), pp. 166-177.

McBrady, Jared. Teaching to Teach History: A Study of a University-Based System of Teacher Preparation. Diss. 2017.

McBrady, Jared “Incorporating Decoding the Disciplines into History Teacher Education” (A presentation for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning ISSOTL Connect 2021 Virtual Event)

McBrady, Jared. 2022. “Decoding the Disciplines As a Pedagogy of Teacher Education”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 10 (March).

Middendorf, Joan and David Pace, “Just in Time Teaching in History” in Scott Simkins and Mark Maier, Just in Time Teaching Across the Disciplines (Sterling, VA.: Stylus Publishing, 2009).

Middendorf, Joan and David Pace, “Making Thinking Explicit: A History Department Decodes Its Discipline,” National Teaching and Learning Forum, Vol.16, No.2 (February 2007)

Middendorf, Joan, Jolanta Mickutė, Tara Saunders, José Najar, Andrew E Clark-Huckstep, David Pace, and with Keith Eberly and Nicole McGrath, “What’s feeling got to do with it? Decoding emotional bottlenecks in the history classroom,” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 14 (April 2015) pp.166-180.

Neumann, Friederike, “How does a Historian Read a Scholarly Text and How Do Students Learn to Do the Same,” in David Ludvigsson and Alan Booth, Enriching History Teaching and Learning: Challenges, Possibilities, Practice (Linköping Sweden: Linköping University, 2015), pp. 67-83. (The full text of this volume may be found at

Pace, David, ““Controlled Fission: Teaching Supercharged Subjects,” College Teaching, Vol. 51 Issue 2 (Spring 2003), pp. 42-45.

Pace, David, “Decoding the Reading of History: An Example of the Process” in David Pace and Joan Middendorf, Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004), pp.13-22.

Pace, David, “Opening History’s ‘Black Boxes’: Decoding the Disciplinary Unconscious of Historians” in Carolin Kreber, ed., Teaching and Learning Within and Beyond disciplinary boundaries (London: Routledge, 2008), pp.96-104.

Pace, David, “Assessment in History: The case for Decoding” the discipline, Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 11, No. 3, August 2011, pp. 107 – 119.

Pace, David, “Decoding Historical Evidence,” in David Ludvigsson, ed., Enhancing Student Learning in History. Perspectives on University History Teaching (University of Uppsala, Sweden: Swedish Science Press, 2012), pp.49-62.

Pace, David, “Prezi and Decoding of History,” in Quick Hits: Teaching with Technology (Indiana University Press, 2012), pp. 91-92.

Pace, David. “Thoughts on history, tuning and the scholarship of teaching and learning in the United States.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 16.4 (2017): 415-419.

Pace, David. “Decoding Historical Interpretation: Systematic Questioning” in Friederike Neumann and Leah Shopkow, eds., Teaching History, Learning History, Promoting History: Papers from the Bielefeld Conference on Teaching History in Higher Education (Frankfurt: Wochenschau-Verlag, Frankfurt, 2018)

Pace, David. “Decoding Students Mistakes: A Pathway to Greater Learning” in Uwe FahrKenner, Alessandra Holger Angenent, and Alexandra Eßer-Lüghausen, eds., Hochschullehre erforschen: Innovative Impulse für das Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (Berlin: Spinger Verlag, 2022), pp.59-67.

Roberts, Philip. “From historical literacy to a pedagogy of history.” (2010).

Schlegel, Whitney M. and David Pace, “Using Collaborative Learning Teams to Decode Disciplines: Physiology and History,” in David Pace and Joan Middendorf, eds., Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004), pp.75-83.

Shopkow, Leah (2010). “What ‘Decoding the Disciplines’ has to offer ‘Threshold Concepts,’” in Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning, ed. Jan H. F. Meyer, Ray Land, & Catherine Baillie (Rotterdam: Sense Publications), 317-32.

Thomas, Theda, Joy Wallace, Pamela Allen, Jennifer Clark, Bronwyn Cole, Adrian Jones, Jill Lawrence, and Lynette Sheridan Burns. “Engaging first year lecturers with threshold learning outcomes and concepts in their disciplines.” (2014): 1.

Wilson, Gregory. “The city and public history.” Journal of Urban History 36.1 (2010): 81-92.