Decoding the Disciplines — Resources


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Title Status
Pace, David, and Joan Middendorf, Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004) 2004
Miller-Young, Janice, and Jennifer Boman, eds. Using the Decoding the Disciplines Framework for Learning Across Disciplines, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, 150. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass 2017
Pace, David. The Decoding the Disciplines Paradigm (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2017) 2017
Middendorf, Joan and Leah Shopkow, Overcoming Student Learning Bottlenecks: Decode the Critical Thinking of Your Discipline (Stylus, 2017) 20% Discount Code: OVBN20 2018

E-Resources on Decoding

Articles and Papers Focused on Decoding

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Author Date of Publication
Abbott, Elaine A. “Subjective Observation in Music Therapy: A Study of Student Practicum Logs.” Music Therapy Perspectives 36.1 (2017): 117-126. 2017
Agnew, Melanie, and Hilary E. Kahn. “Internationalization-at-Home: Grounded Practices to Promote Intercultural, International, and Global Learning.” Metropolitan Universities 25.3 (2014): 31-46. 2014
Airey, John, and Cedric Linder. “Necessary conditions for learning? Modes of representation and the disciplinary discourse of university science.” (2006). 2006
Ardizzone, Tony, Fritz Breithaupt, and Paul C. Gutjahr, “Decoding Humanities,” in David Pace and Joan Middnedorf, Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004) pp.45-56 2004
Attas, Robin. “Uncovering and Teaching the Process of Analysis to Undergraduate Music Theory Students.” College Music Symposium. Vol. 58. No. 2. The College Music Society, 2018. 2018
Andrea Baer, “Lofty Conversations, Grounded Teaching: “Threshold Concepts,” “Decoding the Disciplines,” and Our Pedagogical Praxis” 2016
Ballantyne, Emily. “Book Review: Overcoming Student Learning Bottlenecks: Decode the Critical Thinking of Your Discipline.” The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9.2 (2018). 2018
Balta, Joy Y., Gerard W. O’Keeffe, and Briony Supple. “Utilizing the scholarship of teaching and learning to design an Anatomy Pedagogy Course.” European Journal of anatomy 23.3 (2019): 233-240. 2019
Barantsova, Irina, “Modern Trends in Intercultural Education.” Children and Schools 40.4 (2) (2018): 411-417. 2018
Barber, Thomas. “Decoding Decoding.” 2019
Belanger, Elizabeth. “Using US Tuning to effect: The American historical association’s Tuning project and the first year research paper.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 16.4 (2017): 385-402. 2017
Bente, Stefan. “Decoding the Disciplines DIGITAL.” Hochschuldidaktik erforscht wissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf Lehren und Lernen: 65.
Bernstein, Jeffrey, “Plowing through Bottlenecks in Political Science” in Kathleen McKinney, ed., The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning In and Across the Disciplines (Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 2012), pp. 74-92. 2012
Bihun, Joan. “An Exercise to Assess Student Understanding of Bottleneck Concepts in Research Methods Joan T. Bihun and Mitchell M. Handelsman University of Colorado Denver.” Social Psychology 77 (2018): 1121-1134. 2018
Boman, Jennifer, et al. “Tuning in on tacit knowledge.” 2015 Meeting of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 2015. 2015
Boman, Jennifer, Genevieve Currie, Ron MacDonald, Janice Miller-Young, Michelle Yeo, Stephanie Zettel, “Overview of Decoding the Disciplines,” (2017) In Using the Decoding the Disciplines Framework for Learning Across Disciplines, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Jennifer Boman. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.13-18. 2017
Brink Pinto, Andrés & Larsson Heidenblad, David. “Vad vill vi att studenterna ska kunna göra? Avtäckningsmodellen i praktiken” I Levande lärmiljöer: Proceedings från Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteternas pedagogiska inspirationskonferens 2018 redigerad av Markussen, Hege Irene & Mårtensson, Katarina (red.), 25-37. Lund: Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna, Lunds universitet, 2020. doi: 10.37852/oblu.67.125.
Brink Pinto, Andrés, David Larsson Heidenblad, and Emma Severinsson, “From Knowing the Canon to Developing Skills Engaging with the Decoding the Disciplines Approach,” Interdisciplinary pedagogy in higher education Proceedings from Lund University’s Teaching and Learning Conference 2019, pp.73-84. 2019
Brown, Sarah Drake, “Assessing While Learning: Teacher Candidates in the History Classroom,” Social Studies Education Review (Fall 2018), Volume 7, Number 3, pp. 22-41 2018
Burkholder, J. Peter“Decoding the Discipline of Music History for Our Students,” Journal of Music History Pedagogy, (February 2011), Vol. 1, n. 2, pp. 93–111. 2011
Burkholder, Peter. “Teaching Historical Literacy within a SOTL Framework.” Teaching History: A Journal of Methods 44.2 (2019): 44-50. 2019
Cameron, E.L., “Using Methods from Cognitive Psychology to Elucidate Mental Processes,” (2019) The 3rd EuroSoTL conference, June 13-14 2019, Bilbao, Basque Country-Spain 2019
Cameron, Leslie and Holly Pelnar, “Mental Processes Utilized by Faculty and Students During Graphical Interpretation” (A presentation for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning ISSOTL Connect 2021 Virtual Event) 2021
Chistolini, Sandra. “Decoding the Disciplines in higher education institutions.” 4th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAD’18). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018. 2018
Christian, Natalie, and Katherine D. Kearns. “Using Scaffolding and Deliberate Practice to Improve Abstract Writing in an Introductory Biology Laboratory Course.” Journal of microbiology & biology education 19.2 (2018). 2018
Clark, Jennifer. “What use is SoTL?: Using the scholarship of teaching and learning to develop a curriculum for first year university history classes.” Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice 6.2 (2009): 3. 2009
Clark, Jennifer and Adrian Jones, “Communities of decoding: Using the Decoding the Disciplines paradigm to create faculty learning communities on three continents,” Annual Meetings of the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Melbourne, Australia, October 28, 2015. 2015
Clark, Jennifer, et al. “Teaching the history threshold learning outcomes to first-year students.” Teaching the Discipline of History in an Age of Standards. Springer, Singapore, 2018. 59-87. 2018
Clarsen, Georgine W. “Challenges of the large survey subject: teaching and learning how to read history.” (2009): 81. 2009
Corrigan, Paul T. “Threshold Concepts in Literary Studies.” Teaching & Learning Inquiry 7.1 (2019): 3-17. 2019
Costino, Kimberly. “Equity-minded faculty development: An intersectional identity-conscious community of practice model for faculty learning.” Metropolitan Universities 29.1 (2018): 117-136. 2018
Cox, W. R.(2018).The Impact of Scaffolding on the Historical Thinking Skills of Middle School Students.(Doctoral dissertation). Retrieved from 2018
Craig, Kalani. “Analog tools in digital history classrooms: An activity-theory case study of learning opportunities in digital humanities.” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 11.1 (2017): n1. 2017
Currie, Genevieve “Conscious Connections: Phenomenology and Decoding the Disciplines,” in Using the Decoding the Disciplines Framework for Learning Across Disciplines, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Jennifer Boman. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.37-48. 2017
Danilevičiūtė, Asta, “Decoding of the Disciplines in Human Ecology Lectures,”
Díaz, Arlene, and Leah Shopkow. 2014. “A Tale of Two Thresholds.” Paper presented at the Fifth Biennial International Threshold Concepts Conference, Durham University, UK, 10 July 2014. 2014
Díaz, Arlene, and Leah Shopkow. 2017. “A Tale of Two Thresholds,” Practice and Evidence of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Special Issue: Threshold Concepts and Conceptual Difficulty, Vol. 12, No.2 April 2017, pp. 229-248 2017
Díaz, Arlene, Joan Middendorf, David Pace, and Leah Shopkow, “The History Learning Project: A Department “Decodes” Its Students,” Journal of American History, Vol. 94, No. 4 (March 2008), pp.1211-1224. 2008
Díaz, Arlene, Joan Middendorf, David Pace, and Leah Shopkow, “Making Thinking Explicit: A History Department Decodes Its Discipline,” National Teaching and Learning Forum, Vol.16, No.2 (February 2007) 2007
Dröschler, Stefan, Peter Riegler, David Pace: Decoding group activities in interactive teaching in K. Mårtensson et al. (eds): Transforming patterns through the scholarschip of teaching and learning, 2017 2017
Dulworth, Jeanne Goins. “An Innovative Approach to Helping Students Overcome Bottlenecks in Social Work Education Using Self-Study.” (2019). 2018
Duncan, John, Adrian German, Suzanne Menzel, Decoding Computer Science and Informatics Project
Durisen, Richard H. and Catherine A. Pilachowski, “Decoding Astronomical Concepts,” in David Pace and Joan Middnedorf, Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004) pp.33-43. 2004
Easton, Lee and Roberta Lexier, “Re-Thinking Decoding the Disciplines in the Face of Indigenization” in Hondzel, Catharine Dishke, et al. “Rethinking Research Collaboration: Transformative Experiences of Faculty and Students Engaged in Undergraduate Research Learning (2017) 2017
Fischer, Matthias. “Decoding sustainability in the healthcare system. Teaching students how to problematize complex concepts.” Journal on Innovation and Sustainability. RISUS ISSN 2179-3565 9.3 (2018): 149-159. 2018
Folk, Amanda L. “Reframing Information Literacy as Academic Cultural Capital: A Critical and Equity-Based Foundation for Practice, Assessment, and Scholarship.” College & Research Libraries 80.5 (2019): 658. 2019
Folz, Britta (2019),” Decoding-Interviews führen mit dem Strukturmodell TEACH,” Didaktik-Nachrichten (Nov. 2019), pp.18-27. ( — English Translation: “Conducting Decoding Interviews with the Structural Model TEACH,”: 2019
Fricke, Anike and Sebastian Wirthgen, “Decoding the Disciplines: fachkulturspezifische Denk- und Erkenntnisprozesse entdenken un transparent machen” in Hartz, Stefanie, and Sabine Marx, eds. Leitkonzepte der Hochschuldidaktik: Theorie-Praxis-Empirie. Vol. 128. wbv, 2016. 2016
Froyd, Jeff, and Jean Layne. “Faculty development strategies for overcoming the “Curse of knowledge”.” 2008 38th Annual Frontiers in Education Conference. IEEE, 2008. 2008
Froyd, Jeff, Jean Layne, Debra Fowler, and Nancy Simpson . “Design patterns for faculty development.” 2007 37th annual frontiers in education conference-global engineering: knowledge without borders, opportunities without passports. IEEE, 2007. 2007
Glenn, David. (Nov.15, 2009) “A Teaching Experiment Shows Students How to Grasp Big Concepts,” The Chronicle for Higher Education, pp.A1-A10. 2009
Gottschalk T. “Decoding the Disciplines and Threshold Concepts in a Blended Learning EBM Project for Preclerkship Students,” Kung, Janice YC, and Sandy Campbell. “Northern Illumination/Lumieres du Nord CHLA/ABSC Conference May 16-19, 2017.” (2017). 2017
Grills, Sheilagh. “Incorporating Peer Mentor Tutorials into a Success Course for Diverse Students.” JANZSSA-Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Student Services Association 25.1 (2017): 1343. 2017
Grim, Valerie, David Pace, and Leah Shopkow, “Learning to Use Evidence in the Study of History” in David Pace and Joan Middnedorf, Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004) pp.57-65. 2004
Haney, Sally, “Interrogating Our Past Practice as We Scale the Walls of the Box We Call Journalism Education,” Towards 2020: New Directions in Journalism Education, (Accessed December 2015) 2015
Heidenblad, David Larsson. “The Decoding the Disciplines Paradigm. Seven Steps to Increased Student Learning.” Scandia 84.1 (2018): 109-110. 2018
Heigl, Nicole Romana. “Voneinander Lernen –Ein Plädoyer am Beispiel der Entwicklung fächerübergreifenden Problemlösens.” Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (2010). 2010
Heiland, Donna, and Laura J. Rosenthal. “More than limited learning: The case for focusing on the disciplines.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 12.1 (2013): 7-19. 2013
Higgs, Bettie and James Cronin, “Threshold Concepts: Informing the Curriculum,” in Ciara O’Farrell and Alison Farrell, eds., Emerging Issues in Higher Education III: From Capacity Building to Sustainability. Athlone: 2013), pp. 166-177. 2016
Hovland, Ingie. “From reading to thinking: Student lines of thought in a seminar on Christianity and colonialism.” Teaching Theology & Religion. 2019
Hund, Jennifer L. “Writing about music in large music appreciation classrooms using active learning, discipline-specific skills, and peer review.” Journal of Music History Pedagogy 2.2 (2011): 117-32. 2011
Isaxanli, Hamlet. “Education Facing Globalization in Post-communist Country: Azerbaijan.” (2018). 2018
Isong, Bassey, Ohaeri Ifeoma, and Naison Gasela. “On the Integration of Agile Practices into Teaching: an approach to overcoming teaching and learning challenges of programming.” 2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI). IEEE, 2015. 2015
Johnson, Claudia C., Joan Middendorf, George Rehrey, Mehmet M. Dalkilic, and Keely Cassid. “Geological time, biological events and the learning transfer problem.” Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 4,14 (2014): 115-129. 2014
Jons, Lotta. “Decoding the Disciplines: collaboratory exploring expertise.” NU2014–Lärande kulturer, Umeå universitet, Sverige, 8-10 oktober, 2014. 2014. 2014
Jurgilė, Vaida, “Reflection for helping students learn disciplinary paths of analytical thinking” (2019) in Chistolini, Sandra, ed., Decoding the Disciplines in European Institutions of Higher Education: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching and Learning, pp.12-16 ( 2019
Kaduk, Svenja, and Swantje Lahm. “2.» Decoding the Disciplines «: der Ansatz.” Forschendes Lernen: 83. in Lehmann, Judith und Harald A. Mieg, eds., Forschendes Lernen Ein Praxisbuch. (Potsdam: Verlag des Fachhochschule, 2018), pp. 82-95
Khomokhoana, Pakiso J. and Liezel. (2019) “Decoding Source Code Comprehension: Bottlenecks Experienced by Senior Computer Science Students”in Bobby Tait, Jan Kroeze, and Stefan Gruner, eds., Communications in Compter and Information Science 1136, Springer Link2019
Khomokhoana, Pakiso J. and Liezel Nel. (2020) “Decoding the underlying cognitive processes and related support strategies utilised by expert instructors during source code comprehension, ” South African Computer Journal, In press 2020
Khomokhoana P.J., Nel L. (2022) Mapping the Problem-Solving Strategies of Novice Programmers to Polya’s Framework: SWOT Analysis as a Bottleneck Identification Tool. In: Leung W.S., Coetzee M., Coulter D., Cotterrell D. (eds) ICT Education. SACLA 2021. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1461. Springer, Cham. 2022
Kreber, C. (2022). The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. In G. Reinmann & R. Rhein (Hrsg.), Wissenschaftsdidaktik I: Einführung (S. 221–243) 2022
Kurz, Lisa and Trudy W. Banta, (2004) “Decoding the Assessment of Student Learning” in David Pace and Joan Middendorf, Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004) pp.85-94. 2004
La, Helen, Patti Dyjur, and Haboun Bair. “Universal Design.” (2018). 2018
Lahm, Swantje. “Towards Writing Enriched Curricula at Bielefeld University, Germany: An Educational Design Research Study.” 2014
Lawrence, Jill, Alice Brown, Petrea Redmond and Marita Basson, (August 2019) ” Engaging the disengaged: Exploring the use of course- specific learning analytics and nudging to enhance online student engagement,” Student Success, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp.47-58. 2019
Lemieux, C., & Quiring, B. (2021). Revelations from story writing in business statistics: An exercise in decoding. Journal of University Teaching & Learning Practice, 18(2) 2021
Lee-Post, Anita. “Developing numeracy and problem-solving skills by overcoming learning bottlenecks.” Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education 11.3 (2019): 398-414. 2019
LOVIN, LOUANN, and KYLE SCHULTZ. “Illuminating Mathematics Teacher Education Through Decoding Disciplinary Thinking: Unpacking Mathematical Knowledge For Teaching.” Extending Inquiry Communities: Illuminating Teacher Education Through Self-Study (2012). 2012
Lübcke, Eileen, and Alexa BRASE. “Die Black Box der Verbindung zwischen Lehre und (Fach-) Wissenschaft in der Digitalität.” Akademische Kultur und Wissenschaftsfreiheit angesichts der Digitalisierung von Lehren und Lernen 3 (2022): 71. 2022
Lundstrom, K., Fagerheim, B.A. and Benson, E. (2014), “Librarians and instructors developing student learning outcomes: using frameworks to lead the process”, Reference Services Review, Vol. 42 No. 3, pp. 484-498. 2014
McBrady, Jared. Teaching to Teach History: A Study of a University-Based System of Teacher Preparation. Diss. 2017. 2017
McBrady, Jared “Incorporating Decoding the Disciplines into History Teacher Education” (A presentation for the International Society for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning ISSOTL Connect 2021 Virtual Event) 2021
MacDonald, Ron. (In 2017. “Intuitions and Instincts: Considerations for Decoding Disciplinary Identities.” In Using the Decoding the Disciplines Framework for Learning Across Disciplines, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Jennifer Boman. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.63-74. 2017
McBrady, Jared. 2022. “Decoding the Disciplines As a Pedagogy of Teacher Education”. Teaching and Learning Inquiry 10 (March). 2022
McDonnell, Janice, et al. “Polar ICE: Bringing the poles to classrooms.” OCEANS 2017-Anchorage. IEEE, 2017. 2017
MacDougall, Linda, “What Bottleneck Impedes Nursing Graduates’ Success?” in Hondzel, Catharine Dishke, et al. “Rethinking Research Collaboration: Transformative Experiences of Faculty and Students Engaged in Undergraduate Research Learning.” (2017) 2017
McLean, Jan. “Triggering engagement in SoTL through threshold concepts.” International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3.2 (2009): 24. 2009
MacPherson, Kristina Ruth. “Decoding area studies and interdisciplinary majors: building a framework for entry-level students.” College Teaching 63.2 (2015): 40-45. 2015
Marsano, Martina, “Decoding the Disciplines:supporting the university study experience through a game-based model” (2019) in Chistolini, Sandra, ed., Decoding the Disciplines in European Institutions of Higher Education: Intercultural and Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching and Learning, pp. 17-19 ( 2019
Meder, Allison Marie. Intervention Planning for Children who use Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Exploring the Expert-Novice Gap in Speech-Language Pathologists’ Clinical Reasoning. Diss. University of Kansas, 2018. 2018
Menzel, Suzanne. “Eye Movements in Programming Education: Analyzing the expert’s gaze.” Eye Movements in Programming Education: 16. 2016
Meretsky, Vicky J., and Teresa AN Woods. “A novel approach for practitioners in training: A blended-learning seminar combining experts, students and practitioners.” Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (2013): 48-62. 2013
Metzger, Christiane, and Andrea Brose, “Decoding aus hochschuldidaktischer Perspektive,” Didaktik-Nachricheten (Nov. 2019), pp.8-9. — English Translation: ‘Decoding’ from the Perspective of Higher Education Dialectics,” 2019
Meyer, J. H. F., et al. “WHAT DECODING THE DISCIPLINES CAN OFFER THRESHOLD CONCEPTS1.” Threshold Concepts and Transformational Learning (2010): 317. 2010
Michaelson, Patricia. “Book Review: Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 5.2 (2006): 221-223. 2006
Middendorf, Joan, “Finding Key Faculty to Influence Change” in Matthew Kaplan and Devorah Lieberman, eds., To Improve the Academy: Vol. 18. Resources for Faculty, Instructional, and Organizational Development (Bolton, MA.: Anker, 2000), pp.83-89. 2000
Middendorf, Joan, “Facilitating a Faculty Learning Community Using the Decoding the Disciplines Model,” in David Pace and Joan Middendorf, eds., Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004), pp. 95-107. 2007
Middendorf, Joan, “Easing Entry into the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning through Focused Assessments: The “Decoding the Disciplines” Approach, To Improve the Academy (2007) 2007
Middendorf, Joan, and Andrea Baer, “Bottlenecks of Information Literacy,” (2019) Building Teaching and Learning Communities: Creating Shared Meaning and Purpose (Association of College & Research Libraries: Atlanta.) 2019
Middendorf, Joan, and Laura Cruz, “Decoding the Disciplines: Bring Your Favorite Threshold Concept and We Will Decode It (Uncover the Underlying Expert Mental Moves),” 7th Biennial Threshold Concepts Conference (2018), available online at 2018
Middendorf, Joan, Jolanta Mickutė, Tara Saunders, José Najar, Andrew E Clark-Huckstep, David Pace, and with Keith Eberly and Nicole McGrath, “What’s feeling got to do with it? Decoding emotional bottlenecks in the history classroom,” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 14 (April 2015) pp.166-180. 2015
Middendorf, Joan and David Pace, “Overcoming cultural obstacles to new ways of teaching: The Lilly Freshman Learning Project at Indiana University,” in D. Lieberman & C. Wehlburg (Eds.), To Improve the Academy, 20, 208-224. Bolton, MA: Anker, (2002), pp.208-224. 2002
Middendorf, Joan and David Pace, “Future of Decoding the Disciplines,” ,” in David Pace and Joan Middendorf, eds., Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004), pp. 109-110. 2004
Middendorf, Joan and David Pace, “Making Thinking Explicit: A History Department Decodes Its Discipline,” National Teaching and Learning Forum, Vol.16, No.2 (February 2007) 2007
Middendorf, Joan, Tammy Smith, Kate Ellis, Laura Cruz, Daniel Guberman, and Susannah McGowan, “Playing with bottlenecks, workshop session,” Annual POD Network Conference 2018: Leading in Times of Change – Portland, United States of America, 2018. 2018
Miller, Michelle D., and Blasé Scarnati. “Engaging Faculty for Student Success: The First Year Learning Initiative.” Teacher-Scholar: The Journal of the State Comprehensive University 6.1 (2014): 1. 2014
Miller, Sara D. “Diving Deep: Reflective Questions for Identifying Tacit Disciplinary Information Literacy Knowledge Practices, Dispositions, and Values through the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy.” The Journal of Academic Librarianship 44.3 (2018): 412-418. 2018
Miller-Young, Janice. “How did I get here? Reflections on learning from multidisciplinary communities of practice.” Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal 9.1 (2016): 1-5. 2016
Miller-Young, Janice, Peter Felten, and Patti H. Clayton. “Learning about Learning–Together.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning 23.2 (2017): 154-158. 2017
Miller-Young, Janice and Jennifer Boman, “Uncovering Ways of Thinking, Practicing and Being through Key Themes in Decoding across Disciplines.” In Using the Decoding the Disciplines Framework for Learning Across Disciplines, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Jennifer Boman. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.19-35. 2017
Miller-Young, Janice and Jennifer Boman , “Learning from Decoding across Disciplines and within Communities of Practice” (2017) In Using the Decoding the Disciplines Framework for Learning Across Disciplines, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Jennifer Boman. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.97-101. 2017
Miller-Young, Janice, Yasmin Dean, Melanie Rathburn, Jennifer Pettit, Margot Underwood, Judy Gleeson, Roberta Lexier, Victoria Calvert, and Patti Clayton (2015) “Decoding Ourselves: An Inquiry into Faculty Learning About Reciprocity in Service-Learning.” Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning (Fall 2015), 32-47. 2015
Mohamed, Shehaamah (2020). “Decoding Information Literacy Ways Of Thinking In Student Learning: Influencing Pedagogic Methods,” South African Journal of Higher Education 34(3):182 2020
Mohamed, S., and A. Bayat. 2022. “Evaluating the Decoding the Disciplines Paradigm That Is Used for Developing Disciplinary Habits of Mind: A Systematic Literature Review”. South African Journal of Higher Education 36 (1), 207-33. 2022
Mooney, Julie A. & Janice Miller-Young (2021): The Educational Development Interview: a guided conversation supporting professional learning aboutteaching practice in higher education, International Journal for Academic Development, DOI:10.1080/1360144X.2021.1934687. 2021
Mondelli, Victoria. “Decoding the Disciplines with Game Play.” (2013). 2013
Mueller, Robin A., and Haboun Bair. “Deconstructing the Notion of ePortfolio as a ‘High Impact Practice’: A Self-Study and Comparative Analysis.” The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 9.3 (2018): 6. 2018
Muráriková, Petra. “Skills and Motivation.” Innovating Teaching and Learning: Reports from University Lecturers (2013): 41. 2013
Neumann, Friederike, “How does a Historian Read a Scholarly Text and How Do Students Learn to Do the Same,” in David Ludvigsson and Alan Booth, Enriching History Teaching and Learning: Challenges, Possibilities, Practice (Linköping Sweden: Linköping University, 2015), pp. 67-83. (The full text of this volume may be found at 2015
Norton, Sam. “Sampling distributions as a threshold concept in learning classical statistical inference: an evaluative case study report.” King’s Learning Institute Higher Education Research Network Journal (HERN J): Prizewinning Essays 2015 (2015): 58-71. 2015
Pace, David, ““Controlled Fission: Teaching Supercharged Subjects,” College Teaching, Vol. 51 Issue 2 (Spring 2003), pp. 42-45. 2003
Pace, David, “Decoding the Reading of History: An Example of the Process” in David Pace and Joan Middendorf, Decoding the Disciplines: Helping Students Learn Disciplinary Ways of Thinking (New Directions in Teaching and Learning, Vol. 98 (Fall 2004), pp.13-22. 2004
Pace, David, “Opening History’s ‘Black Boxes’: Decoding the Disciplinary Unconscious of Historians” in Carolin Kreber, ed., Teaching and Learning Within and Beyond disciplinary boundaries (London: Routledge, 2008), pp.96-104. 2008
Pace, David, “Assessment in History: The case for Decoding” the discipline, Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Vol. 11, No. 3, August 2011, pp. 107 – 119. 2011
Pace, David, “Prezi and Decoding of History,” in Quick Hits: Teaching with Technology (Indiana University Press, 2012), pp. 91-92. 2012
Pace, David, “Decoding Historical Evidence,” in David Ludvigsson, ed., Enhancing Student Learning in History. Perspectives on University History Teaching (University of Uppsala, Sweden: Swedish Science Press, 2012), pp.49-62 2012
Pace, David. “Thoughts on history, tuning and the scholarship of teaching and learning in the United States.” Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 16.4 (2017): 415-419. 2017
Pace, David. “Decoding Historical Interpretation: Systematic Questioning” in Friederike Neumann and Leah Shopkow, eds., Teaching History, Learning History, Promoting History: Papers from the Bielefeld Conference on Teaching History in Higher Education (Frankfurt: Wochenschau-Verlag, Frankfurt, 2018) 2018
Pace, David. “Decoding Students Mistakes: A Pathway to Greater Learning” in Uwe FahrKenner, Alessandra Holger Angenent, and Alexandra Eßer-Lüghausen, eds., Hochschullehre erforschen: Innovative Impulse für das Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (Berlin: Spinger Verlag, 2022), pp.59-67. 2022
Pace, David. “Beyond Decoding the Disciplines 1.0: New Directions for the Paradigm.” Teaching and Learning Inquiry, Vol. 9 No. 2, 2021. ( 2021
Pace, David and Joan Middendorf, Joan, “Just in Time Teaching in History” in Scott Simkins and Mark Maier, Just in Time Teaching Across the Disciplines (Sterling, VA.: Stylus Publishing, 2009). 2010
Pace, David and Joan Middendorf, “Forward” to Janice Miller-Young and Jennifer Boman, eds., Using the Decoding the Disciplines Framework for Learning Across Disciplines, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2017. 2017
Palfreyman, Niall (2019), “Bottlenecks: Zwischen glitschigen Konzepten und starren Worten,” Didaktik-Nachricheten (Nov. 2019), pp.28-41. English Translation: “Bottlenecks: From Static Words to Slippery Concepts,” 2019
Petit, Jennifer, Victoria Calvert, Yasmin Dean, Judy Gleeson, Roberta Lexier, Melanie Rathburn, Margot Underwood. (2017) “Building Bridges from the Decoding Interview to Teaching Practice.” In Using the Decoding the Disciplines Framework for Learning Across Disciplines, New Directions for Teaching and Learning, edited by Janice Miller-Young and Jennifer Boman. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, pp.75-85. 2017
Pinnow, Eleni, Decoding the Disciplines: An Approach to Scientific Thinking,” Psychology Learning & Teaching, Vol. 15 (1), pp. 94-101. 2016
Priss, Uta. “A semiotic-conceptual analysis of conceptual development in learning mathematics.” Signs of Signification. Springer, Cham, 2018. 173-188. 2018
Quintanilla, Victor D., et al. “Experiential Education and Access-to-Justice within US Law Schools: Designing and Evaluating an Access-to-Justice Service Learning Program within the First-Year Curriculum.” Ind. JL & Soc. Equal. 7 (2019): 88. 2019
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